Attention please!attention please! Today merupakan birthday seorang budak..erk..budak ke? tak dah tua dah budak die Noraziela bt Aziz..a.k.a Ziela senget..
Nah..terima la kek hari jadi yang saye beli dari Pak Cik Google..hehe

Okeh ni la muke budak wanted hari ni..So kalau korang terserempak muke budak macam ni, sile lah wish die hepi besday k..tak pon nak kasi hadiah pon boleh..ape salah nye..ngeee~~
Hope your birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!
I hope that for every candle on your cake you get a wonderful surprise
May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love.
Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.
May the best of your past be the worst of your future
mcm de something wrong je ngn ayat ni??
pe y smthg wrong tqah?
yer..happy besday pd kawan ziha itu..=)
haha..xie xie ajie..
tqah..i've deleted that line.
dont worry,it's to avoid any confusion..uhuhu
yup..better that way
hepi birthday la utk ziela tu.. uhh!!
nak adiah jugak!
yuhuuuu...rndu kt blog u... =p
asada..u nak hadiah pe??hihi
tu ls husna..rajin2 la singgah kat uma i no 2 ni yer..huhu
cik ziha senget...yuhuuuuu...i datang ni..oooooo kemain lagi ye u...anyway thanx sangat2 taw...adiah birthday u...sayang u=p...
wah..ziela dpt adiah..kite bulan mac nti tau,hihi
same2 cik ziela senget..hihi
kk..jgn lupe..besday i pon bulan 3 gak..hihi
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